måndag 5 januari 2009

Yes min dag är gjord

Sitter och grämer mig som bäst över hur ospännande mitt liv är, när det kommer som ett brev på posten, bokstavligt talat.

"Hi Patricia , How are you Doing ? At First am Wishing you a Happy New Year 2009 That Hope is a Good and blessed Year for you to have your dreams come true and be succes and good .I am a man From Morocco That Decide to write you after your Freind that called" MATTIAS SÄTTERSTRÖM" gave me your email and told me about you and send me your pictures ..He told me about you when he knows that am serious and ask him if he knows a serious intersted woman from there that want serious relationship with me ,that is why now am writing you ...I like so your pictures you look beautiful woman and like things he told me about you That you called Patricia and work with newspaper sometimes and sometimes with internet, and that you very good singer and very happy woman that like eating and look like Princess :) ...That is intersting to knows you and this infomations about you and would like get know each other more really and talk more and meet in Person one day to have serious relationship .

My name is called Aziz that have 28 years old and age not really importance for me but care about kind heart of woman ,am origine live and have family at Desert south east part of morocco but work here at Essaouira city close beach and ocean ,am good tall and good color skin man that happy and smile all time and like music and Romantic and faithful and good and helping and want you ask me more if want knows about anyhting...i beleive if we meant to be togthers we will make it meet and be togthers , Aziz from Morocco."

Detta är en något editerad version. Han skrev satans långt. Kort fick jag med på karln. Inga konstigheter. Har beställt flyg och åker inom kort. Så himla kär. Kika gärna in i smyckeaffären om ni har vägarna förbi, kan tänka mig att jag kommer jobba extra där på helgerna.

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vad skrev du då?

Anonym sa...

phahahahahaha!!!!!! hahahhahahaha!!!! ja dör. hahaha....hahaha...haha...haa

Patricia sa...

Jag skrev: I love you.

Anonym sa...

jag älskar honom. "såhär söt är jag".

ska du inte ha honom så vidarebefordra hit. baba blir glad då.

Patricia sa...

haha Ja sassus din pappa skulle ju bli eld o lågor, kan nästan tänka mig skänka han till dig.

Anonym sa...

Det är väl inte slut här?

Anonym sa...

Den uteblivna emailkontakten är en stor
besvikelse både i Sverige och i Afrika.

Här är ett litet utdrag av ett längre email:

"Thanks for your time to afford and Write me and anwser my email ,I think you are Right maybe she is Lesbian and not want a man"